Are you joining in on The Drop Quilt Along?
Here are a few more offerings to look forward to:
- 20% off the pattern (with sign-up)
- Weekly prizes (including patterns, fabrics, and subscriptions)
- Designer check-ins on the Ships & Violins Quilt Patterns Facebook Group
- Tutorials on the basics of FPP
- Weekly tips and tricks including photos and illustrations
- A segment called "Meet Your Quilt Alonger" to highlight our awesome community!
- And finally, a chance to hear more about our sponsors, including: PreQuilt, Lindley General Store, Simone Quilts, FIGO Fabrics, Birdie & Dot Fabrics, The Quilt Store, Scrappy Gal Quilting Co., Silly Moon Quilting Co., The Geeky Bobbin and Fabric Spark!
The QAL will run for eight-weeks and be divided into the following weekly schedule:
Week One: Fabric Cutting & Template Preparation
Week Two: Units 1 & 2
Week Three: Units 3 & 4
Week Four: Units 5 & 6
Week Five: Units 7 & 8
Week Six: Units 9 & 10
Week Seven: Quilt Top Assembly
Week Eight: Quilting & Finishing
Sign up to receive the weekly newsletters and
20% off the pattern here. I'll be sending a preliminary newsletter next week with tips on fabric selection including some methods to digitally colour your designs!
Here are some things you can do to get started:
- Purchase the pattern using your sign up discount
- Share the "I'm in" graphic below and let your community know what you'll be working on this summer!
- Join the Ships & Violins Facebook Group
The countdown to our next adventure begins!
Happy Quilting,
Cristina De Miranda